Department of General Surgery

About Department
The Department of General Surgery is one of the most vibrant departments in Shri Shankaracharya Institute of Medical Science, fully equipped and well-staffed. It includes male and female wards, OPD, the state of art operation theatres, rooms for all faculties, SR’s and JR’s, skills lab, PG seminar rooms, UG demonstration room, Library, Research lab and Museum with adequate specimens. & department office. With faculty strength of, the department caters to all surgical emergencies 24x7. It caters to specialty, subspecialty & super specialty services like General Surgery, Gastro-intestinal surgery, Neurosurgery, Uro-Surgery, Plastic surgery, Paediatric Surgery,Laparoscopy, Endoscopy, and Breast screening-surveillance. The department of surgery was established since the day of college institution and the department has grown in leaps and bounds. The Department was initially imparting teaching to undergraduates only. Recently, it expanded its teaching program for postgraduates to obtain MS degree. The well-trained nursing staff and the ward boys, present round the clock, ensure smooth running of operation theatres, IPD & OPD. The OPD runs from 9:00am to 4:00pm on Monday to Saturday. Department has five fully functional units for General Surgery with bed strength of 30 each and offers education to medical, physiotherapy and nursing undergraduates. Department also has a well planned post graduate program with an annual intake of 5 post graduate candidates for MS (General Surgery).
Publications from the department during the past 3 years:
(Only original articles published in indexed journals are to be accepted. Case reports, abstracts and review articles are not to be included).
1. Dr. Md. Jawed Akther et-al: Role of C Reactive Protein in Acute Appendicitis A Cross-Sectional Study. International Journal of Current Research and Review. Oct 2020, Vol 12(20):66-69. 2. Dr. Md. Jawed Akhtar et-al: Experience of Tear-drop shaped excision with modified Limberg transposition flap among sacroccygeal pilonidal sinus diseases, Journal of Datta Meghe Institute of Medical Sciences University. (Accepted on 21 Nov 2020) 3. Dr. Md. Jawed Akhtar et-al: Study of Burst Abdomen: Causes and Prevention. Paripex - Indian Journal of Research. Nov 2017; Volume-6(11) :P 116-117. 4. Dr. Md. Jawed Akhtar et-al: Sutureless Circumcision: A Quick and Economical Method for Mass Circumcision. Global Journal for Research Analysis. Nov 2017; Vol-6(11):P(302-303). 5. Dr. Adarsh Trivedi et-al: Instrumentation in Potts Spine: A Two-Year Retrospective Study in CCM Medical College and Hospital Durg.. – International Journal of Innovative Research in Medical Science. Aug 2018: Vol03(08). 6. Dr. Adarsh Trivedi et-al: Clinical Characteristics of Traumatic Basal Skull Fracture in Road Traffic Accidents.European Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research. 2018,Vol5(8), 566-569. 7. Dr. Dwivedi Sankalp et-al: Primary Closure Versus T-Tube Drainage After Laparoscopic Choledocholithotomy: A Prospective Study. World Journal of Advance Healthcare Research,2019;Vol3(4):62-65. 8. Dr. Dwivedi Sankalp et-al: A comparative study in between tropical honey and povidone dressing in diabetic wounds in a medical college of Northern India. Int Surg J. 2018;Vol5(10):3391-3393. 9. Dr. Dwivedi Sankalp et-al: Handmade endoloop knotting technique without knot pusher for appendicular stump closure in laparoscopic appendectomy: an experience. International Surgery Journal,2018;Vol5(12):3804- 10. Dr. Parmeshwar Tushar M et-al: Intraabdominal Hypertension and Abdominal Compartment Syndrome In Emergency Laparotomy Patients in Tertiary Care Rural Hospital”. International Journal of Medical and Biomedical Studies,2019;Vol3(9):245-250. 11. Dr. Parmeshwar Tushar M et-al: Local Complications of Peripheral Intravenous Chemotherapy –Analysis In Carcinoma Breast Patients” International Journal of Medical and Biomedical Studies,2019;Vol3(10):74-79. 12. Dr. Enam SK Khairul et-al: Quality of Life & Their Effect on Emloyment of Rural Diabetic Foot Ulcer Patients in Central India. Int J Cur Res Rev. 2020;12(17):144-151. 13. Bhagat Vaishali et-al: Spectra of Bacterial Growth in Ulcer. Surgical Update International Journal of Surgery &Orthopaedics. 2019;5(3): 14. Dr. Enam SK Khairul et-al: Quality of Life & Their Effect on Emloyment of Rural Diabetic Foot Ulcer Patients in Central India. Int J Cur Res Rev. 2020;12(17):144-151. 15. Dr. S.V. Satyanarayana Rao et-al: Current Trends and Guidelines in Surgical Management of Undescended Testis, New Indian Journal of Surgery,2018;9(2):184-190. 16. Dr. S.V. Satyanarayana Rao et-al: Clinical Study and Changing Trends in the Management of Incisional Hernia. New Indian Journal of Surgery,2018;9(5):625-29. 17. Dr. S.V. Satyanarayana Rao et-al: Clinical Profile of Chronic Venous Insufficiency and Varicose Veins of Lower Limbs and Management in North Costal Andhra Region. New Indian Journal of Surgery,2019;10(2):226-234. 18. Dr. Khare Manish K. et-al: Pleural effusion with rapid refill: A diagnostic dilemma-series of five cases. International Journal of Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging. 2020; 3(3): 38-43. 19. Dr. Imran Ali Khan et-al: pre and postoperative assessment of patients undergoing mitral valve replacement and its co-relation with prosthesis patient mismatch; Paripex-Indian Journal of Research 2019;8:1P65-66. 20. Dr. Imran Ali Khan et-al: Study Of Incisional Hernia: Paripex-Indian Journal of Research; 8:1P63-64. 21. Dr. Imran Ali Khan et-al: Platelet rich fibrin matrix the cost effective way to treat tropic ulcer in diabetes: A pilot study: Medical Science;2020;24:104, July-Aug.,p2752-2759
22. Dr Sankalp Dwivedi et al Accuracy of ultrasonography in detection of kidney stones Journal of Advanced Medical and Dental Sciences Research |Vol. 5|Issue 8| August 2017.
23. Dr Sankalp Dwivedi et al et al Effectiveness of MRI scans in patients with rheumatoid arthritis Journal of Advanced Medical and Dental Sciences Research |Vol. 5|Issue 9| September 2017 |
Specialty clinics run by the department of Surgery with number of patients in each:
Name of the Clinic |
Weekday/s |
Timings |
Number of cases Avg) |
Name of Clinic In-charge |
1) CTVS |
Tuesday & Friday |
11A.M. –2P.M. |
10 |
Dr. Imran Ali khan |
2) Urology |
Wednesday & Saturday |
11A.M. – 2P.M. |
20 |
Dr. Rajesh Gattani |
3) Plastic Surgery |
Monday & Thursday |
11A.M. – 2P.M. |
20 |
Dr. Yatindra Devangan |
4) GI Surgical |
Monday & Thursday |
11A.M. – 2P.M. |
15 |
Dr. Manish. K. Khare |
5) Neurosurgery |
Tuesday & Friday |
11A.M. – 2P.M. |
12 |
Dr. Adarsh Trivedi |
6) Paediatric Surgery |
Wednesday & Friday |
11A.M. – 2P.M. |
11 |
Dr. Vaishali Bhagat |
7) Surgical Oncology |
Monday & Thursday |
11A.M. – 2P.M. |
10 |
Dr. Md. Jawed Akther |
8) Any other clinic (Minimal Invasive Surgery) |
Every Day |
11A.M. – 2P.M. |
5 |
Dr. Tarun Kumar Naik |
Services provided by the department of Surgery:
Service / facility |
Yes / No – Remarks if any |
a) Upper GI Endoscopy |
Yes (OPD & IPD basis placed in OPD area) |
b) Colonoscopy |
Yes (OPD & IPD basis placed in OPD area) |
c) Any other |
Diagnostic basic and advance minimal access surgery Flexibly Video Bronchoscope VATS (Video assisted thoraces surgery) Plastic & reconstructive surgery Trauma and Neuro trauma care Head & spine surgery Pediatrics elective & emergency surgery Basic maxillofacial surgery National programme contributions – Ayushman Bharat Yojna, Covid -19, patients surgical care NTEP (Tuberculosis related surgical care) |
Department Location
Why choose Shri Shankaracharya Institute of Medical Sciences?
- Well-qualified and experienced faculty.
- Industry tie-ups and International collaborations.
- 20+ Years of Experience.
- High Standard Detailing in Academics.
- Smart Classes and Online Learning available.