Department of Pathology

About Department
Pathology is the study and diagnosis of disease through examination of organs. tissues, bodily fluids, and whole bodies [autopsies].
General Pathology : General pathology is a broad and complex scientific field which seeks to understand the mechanisms of injury to cells and tissues, as well as the body's means of responding to and repairing injury. Areas of study include cellular adaptation to injury, necrosis. inflammation, wound healing and neoplasia. It forms the foundation of pathology, the application of this knowledge to diagnose diseases in humans and animals. The term "general pathology” is also used to describe the practice of both anatomical and clinical pathology
Facilities Available
Department of Pathology is committed to offer every essential diagnostic facility for patient care and management. with emphasis on strict quality assurance for every section of the Department. Presently. the Department provides Hematology. Clinical Pathology. Cytology and Histopathology services.
The Cytopathology section provides facility for Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology [FNAC], cervical smear screening, fluid cytology and cell blocks.
The Hematology and Clinical Pathology services include complete hemogram, hemoparasite detection, ESR, bone marrow aspiration and biopsy, reticulocyte count, basic coagulation workup, urine routine and microscopic examination and fluid cell counts.
The Histopathology section provides routine histopathology services, special stains (histochemistry) and opinion review on outside slides and blocks. In a few days facility for immunohistochemistry will be available in the Histopathology section of the Department.
Name of faculty: Dr. R.K.Chandrakar
Designation: Professor & Head
1. R.K.Chandrakar, Reena Banerjee. Correlation with Age, sex and Histo-pathologic spectrum of Appendicular lesions. International Journal of current. Research and Review Vol 12. Issue. 15August 2020.
2. Reena Banerjee, R.K.Chandrakar. Histopathological study of Salivary gland tumors. International Journal of current Research and Review. Vol.12 Issue 16 August 2020.
Name of faculty: Dr. Anjana sharma
Designation: Professor
1. Anjana Sharma, Avishesh Singh, Ajay Sahu: An Analytical study of Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology in Various Thyroid Lesions and their Correlation with Histopathology. International Journal of Health and Clinical Research January 2021. Volume 4. Issue 3.
2. Sharma Anjana, Ravindranath M, Maheep B. Pancytopenia- A clinicopathological analysis of 132 cases. International Journal of Medical Research and Review.2016 ; 4(8): 1376-1386
3. Anjana Sharma ,Somendra kumar Dhariwal, Pritam Khairkar. Cytomorphological spectrum of Papanicolaou Smears-A hospital based retrospective study.International Journal of Current Advanced Research. 2017, Mar; 6(3): 2384-2388.
4. Anjana Sharma, Ravindranath M., Varsha Pandey, Tanvir Khan. Ectomesenchymal chondromyxoid tumor of the tongue – A rare case report . Journal of Oral Medicine, Oral Surgery, Oral Pathology and Oral Radiology . 2016; 2(2): 81- 84.
5. Varsha Pandey, Anjana Sharma, V Sudarshan. Cemento -ossifying fibroma -A rare case report with review of literature . International Journal of Contemporary Medical Research.2016, Sep; 3(9): 2681-2682
6. Varsha Pandey, Naveen kumarVerma,V.Sudarshan,KS Chandrakar, Anjana Sharma . Cyto- histopathological correlation of breast lesions –A rural hospital based study .Indian journal of Pathology and Oncology. 2017,Mar; 4(1): 117-121.
7. Somendra kumar Dhariwal ,Lal Pranay Singh ,Anjana Sharma. Comparison of WBC-Total and Differential Count in different trimesters of Pregnancy. International Journal of Current Advanced Research. 2017, Aug; 6(8): 5225-5228.
Name of faculty: Dr. Naveen Kumar Verma
Designation: Professor
1. Naveen Kumar Verma, Mayuresh Verma, Rajni Prajapati, Manish Agrawal: Retrospective Study of Hydatid Cyst – Case study of 30 cases. International Journal of Scientific Research March 2021. Volume 10. Issue 03.
2. Naveen Kumar Verma, Rajni Prajapati, Manish Agrawal, Karan Chandrakar: Retrospective Study of Filariasis – Case study of 19 cases. International Journal of Scientific Research October 2020. Volume 9 Issue 10.
3. Varsha Pandey, Naveen kumarVerma,V.Sudarshan,KS Chandrakar, Anjana Sharma . Cyto- histopathological correlation of breast lesions –A rural hospital based study .Indian journal of Pathology and Oncology. 2017,Mar; 4(1): 117-121.
4. Retrospective Study of Non-Responding Patients to ATT Presenting To the RNTCP Center of a Tertiary Care Hospital. Dr Naveen kumar Verma, Dr Raghvendra Singh Gaur, Dr Rajni Prajapati, Dr Swati Chandel4, Dr Karan Singh Chandrakar (Volume 4 Issue 02 Feb 2016) Journal of medical science and clinical research
5. Metaplastic Carcinoma of Breast with Chondrosarcomatous Differentiation-A Rare Case Report Authors: Dr Neha Kurmi, Dr Lalit Mohan Patel, Dr Naveen Kumar Verma, Dr Varsha Pandey, Dr Rajni Verma . (Volume 4 Issue 07 July 2016), Journal of medical science and clinical research .
6. Retrospective study of filarioni case study of 19 cases October 2020.
7. Retrospective study of Hydatid cyst - Case study of 30 cases March 2021
Name of faculty: Dr. Reena Banerjee
Designation: Associate Professor
1. R.K.Chandrakar, Reena Banerjee. Correlation with Age, sex and Histo-pathologic spectrum of Appendicular lesions. International Journal of current. Research and Review Vol 12. Issue. 15August 2020.
2. Reena Banerjee, R.K.Chandrakar. Histopathological study of Salivary gland tumors. International Journal of current Research and Review. Vol.12 Issue 16 August 2020.
4.05.2022 |
Wednesday |
Group discussion : CSF examination |
All PGs
Dr. Sarika More |
11.05.2022 |
Wednesday |
Seminar : Grossing of Hysterectomy specimen |
Dr. Priyamvada
Dr. Pooja Waghmare |
18.05.2022 |
Wednesday |
Seminar : stains in Hematology |
Dr.Avinash Singh
Dr. Mili Patel |
25.05.2022 |
Wednesday |
Slide Seminar : Hematology |
All PGs
Dr. Reena Banerjee |
‘ An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.’
This holds true for Department of pathology, SSIMS.
Department of Pathology believes inculcating education with discipline. It also promotes up to date learning of all the techniques and hands on experience. It has adequate number of faculties comprising of Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professors, Senior Resident, Tutors and hands on experienced Lab technician, Operators and Attendants.
Regarding infrastructure, department has adequate equipments, instruments and clinical material as per MRD.
Classes and seminars of Under graduates are held regularly.
For PG Student, PG activity are held regularly and emergency duties are being properly managed.
Department believes in working towards the same goal as other institutes; to develop interest and clear the conceptual learning of pathology and also its clinical aspects.
Department Location
Why choose Shri Shankaracharya Institute of Medical Sciences?
- Well-qualified and experienced faculty.
- Industry tie-ups and International collaborations.
- 20+ Years of Experience.
- High Standard Detailing in Academics.
- Smart Classes and Online Learning available.